Georgian Mahogany Bracket Clock, Robert Wood, London

Georgian Mahogany Bracket Clock


Finely figured flame mahogany break arch case inset at the front and sides with fishscale silk lined sound frets standing on a raised plinth and resting on brass bracket feet.  The arch with brass bound single pad above an opening full door.


Brass bezel supporting a painted dial with Roman numerals, ‘blued’ steel hands and signed Robert Wood, London.


Fine quality substantial double fusee eight day movement striking the hours and repeating at will on a large bell.  The backplate with beautiful border engraving and signed within a cartouche ‘Robert Wood, London’. Regulating pendulum and pendulum holdfast.  C.1790


‘Watchmakers and clockmakers of the world’ by Brian Loomes lists Robert Wood as working in London from 10, Horseshow Alley, Moorfields. He was a maker of repute making several fine musical and automation clocks from 1789 – 1811.

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