French Tortoiseshell Boulle Clock by Klaftenberger, London
French tortoiseshell Boulle clock with ormolu mounts and surmounted by a brass finial.
Enamel dial with Roman numerals and original ‘blued’ steel hands signed Klaftenberger, 157 Regent Street, London.
Eight day movement numbered 44625 striking the hours and halves on a coiled gong. C.1890
Aubert & Klaftenberger are listed in Brian Loomes’s book ‘Watchmakers and clockmakers of the world’ as working in both Paris and Henna c.1830-1840. The partnership also kept a retail premises in Regent Street, London from 1839-1885 and were known for the quality of their clocks listing many of the nineteenth century ‘High Society’ among their clients. They had premises in Paris, London and Geneva.