Furniture & Paintings

French Gilt Wood Two Seat Settee

French Mahogany Table with Drawers

French Side Table Gabriel Viardot

Mahogany Occasional Table

Georgian Mahogany Tallboy

French Rosewood Centre Table

French Giltwood and Marble Table

19th century French Table

Edwardian Mahogany Nest Of Tables

French Tulipwood Side Table

George III Gentlemans Writing Table

Edwardian Art Nouveau Salon Suite

Victorian Walnut Whatnot

John Hayes ,The Pool of London’

Victorian Show Frame Chair

Victorian Walnut Chair

French Walnut Side Table

Victorian Bow Fronted Table

Victorian Walnut Writing Table

George III Mahogany Table

Victorian Tripod Table

Edwardian Hall Chair

Victorian Walnut Table

Victorian Oval Walnut Table